We don’t have to tell you what 4/20 is. But just in case you’re not familiar, it’s a holiday that occurs on April 20 every year. It’s also 4:20pm on any day of any month of the year because, really…it’s just code for getting high. Legend has it that back in 1971 a few northern Californian high school buddies met at 4:20 in the afternoon to consume cannabis. One of them, Dave “Waldo” Reddix, hung out with the Grateful Dead and eventually became the roadie for Phil Lesh, the band’s bassist. By the 1990s, 4:20 had spread and become the preferred time of day to smoke weed. It was also becoming a budding international holiday of the counterculture, a date to push for marijuana legalization and decriminalization. Today, many countries have embraced the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. To date, more than 40 countries have legalized it for medical use, and 24 US states have legalized it for recreational use.
We admit to having sampled the devil’s lettuce and are proponents of responsible legalization. We also incorporate hemp (the non-psychoactive form of cannabis) into our cooking occasionally. Check out those fresh hemp tortillas from our Wicked Healthy Cookbook. Need more recipes to celebrate 4/20 this year? We packed in our favorites below. Or if you’re too baked to cook, just pick up some of our award-winning Wicked Kitchen ice cream, a few of our frozen meals, or some Wicked Kitchen pizzas. Celebrating has never been easier!