Juneteenth is a controversial American holiday. For some it’s celebratory, and for others it brings up negative feelings, because let’s face it: it’s rooted in slavery. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, to tell the last remaining enslaved people there that they were free. The thing is, the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all African-American slaves was signed 2 1/2 years earlier. It took that long to enforce the end of slavery throughout the Confederacy.
That’s the negative part. The positive part is that Juneteenth celebrates the ingenuity of African-American culture. That ingenuity includes things like blues and jazz music, soul food, and Southern barbecue. We are deeply indebted to African-Americans for these monumental contributions to American culture. And we recognize the struggles out of which those contributions were born.
If you observe Juneteenth, we hope you celebrate mindfully. Consider plant-based options. Smoky BBQ mushroom steaks can be incredibly satisfying. Here are some of our favorite plant-based BBQ recipes to honor the day. For more info on understanding and improving the lives of African-Americans, check out our Anti-Racism Resources.