Spring is one of the best seasons for vegetable lovers. Sweet peas bulge in their pods. Green asparagus starts inching toward the sun. Spinach and kale spread their leaves to bask in the light, and herbs like mint, tarragon, and dill fill with aromas. Underground, crunchy spring radishes and baby carrots are ready to enjoy raw, pickled, roasted, and sauteed. In springtime, we get to witness all this incredible food coming alive right before our eyes.
It’s no accident that Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, right around the same time as Easter. Both holidays commemorate the rebirth of life in the spring. No matter how you celebrate this season, you’ll find something tasty in the plant-based recipes below. Dig into dishes like Orange Apricot Hot Cross Buns, Eggless Egg Salad Pitas, Salted Coffee Dirt Roasted Carrots, Garden Pea And Zucchini Arancini Balls, and King Oyster Scallops With Shaved Asparagus And Corona Butter. This year, do your part to help protect the earth and all its living creatures. Enjoy a fantastic plant-based Easter or Earth Day feast.