Get Wicked This January!

veganuary recipes that are so good

Join us for a Wicked January Challenge. Sign up for Veganuary, the go-vegan 31-day challenge. We make it easy by giving you all the tools you need to eat satisfying plant-based meals, including recipes, meal plans, and sound nutrition advice. There are so many amazing foods and drinks to enjoy in the plant-based world. You probably enjoy some of them now without even knowing it. Chocolate syrup for example. Or maybe you like bacon-flavored bits on salad. Or Old-Fashioned cocktails on Saturday night. They’re all 100% vegan! So is our Wicked Double Jalapeño BBQ Burger shown in the photo above. Yum. It’s really not hard to eat 100% plant-based food for 31 days. Sign up today to give your health a boost this month and to give the planet and the animals a break. Encourage your friends and family to join you!

derek sarno on veganuaryREMIND ME, WHY AM I DOING THIS?

For your health, for the animals, for the environment. And for flavor! Some of the most delicious foods in the world are plant foods. Did we mention chocolate? Plus, eating more plants is a simple dietary approach endorsed by every doctor and health organization in the world, including the World Health Organization, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, the British Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture, and the American Cancer Society.

Find out more about all the Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet. Or check out this video we helped produce with Plant-Based News. Or watch Derek’s impassioned TED talk. Why do we eat this way as professional chefs? For all the reasons above and then some. We’re all about being responsible and compassionate as well as indulgent. Find out more about our Mission here.

Chad Sarno on veganuary


Check out our article on How To Start A Plant-Based Diet For Beginners. That’ll give you the basics of using simple plant-based meat and dairy alternatives, eating out at restaurants, and putting together plant-based meals at home. Worried about getting enough protein? Fuhgeddaboudit. Nutritionists agree that it’s not difficult to get enough protein on a plant-based diet. Most foods contain some protein. And we don’t need much: adult women need about 46 grams of protein a day, on average, and men need about 56 grams. For more info, dip into our article on Plant-Based Protein Sources.


Like cooking shows? Have a look at The Wicked Kitchen, our YouTube cooking show. You’ll find hundreds of kick-ass videos showing you how to cook and absolutely fall in love with plant-based foods. We made it super easy to find what you like: just scroll through our video playlists like Breakfast, Mushrooms As Meat and Party Food. Want to see 31 recipes for every day of January? Here’s our 31-Day Veganuary Playlist. Want to get your kids in the kitchen eating more veggies? Here’s a whole set of cooking classes featuring family-friendly food.


We do want you to cook. It is the easiest way to get in the driver’s seat of your own diet! Here are some of our favorite recipes to get you started. We have hundreds more where that came from. Explore our recipe search! You’ll notice that we love cooking mushrooms as meat. Steaks, BBQ, meaty pulled sandwiches…you can get all these plant-based goodies here in our downloadable ebooks, Mushroom Manifestos I and II. These two books are COMPLETELY FREE. Our gift to you for taking the Veganuary challenge.

And here’s a whole ‘nother page of Easy Recipes For Veganuary.


veganuary sponsorDon’t like to cook? Try our Wicked chef-crafted foods. We’ve got 100% plant-based meats, ready meals, snacks, sauces, desserts, breakfasts…you name it. It’s not like we cook every meal of every day from scratch either. That’s where our Wicked foods come in. Find them in the US at Kroger and Sprouts, and in the UK at Tesco. Search our “Where To Buy” product finder to see where they are near you.

Happy Veganuary!

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