Just checking in here about the hot pan … it’s crucial if you want a crispy crust. We throw the cast iron in the oven as it preheats and while we’re prepping things. Make sure you use caution and extra side towels ’cause those pans get HOT. The result is so worth it though.

Pesto+Brussels = friggin’ amazing. The clean aroma of basil and mint along with the crunchy, charred texture of the Brussels is a wicked combo, and will keep you coming back for another bite.
And of course we’re keeping it cheezy with our wicked awesome sauce, slathering it over our little pillow of dough nested in our screamin’ hot cast iron skillet. Brussels and tomato slices go on top of that, then it’s ready for baking.
Depending on the dough you use will determine the time it takes to cook. Usually 8-10 minutes if its a pre-cooked dough or between 15-20-ish minutes with fresh dough with the oven cranked up all the way on bake. After it’s done you’ll have a killer pizza that will satisfy your cravings AND get your added greens in.

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