Take the pledge by texting the word PLANET to 323-622-7171
You’ll help save:
You’ll also help feed:
As part of the pledge, Wicked Kitchen™ is providing 100,000 plant-based meals to food-insecure communities in dozens of cities around the world. That’s a whole lotta good!
Founded by Maggie Baird, Support + Feed is a nonprofit on a mission to create a global shift to an equitable, plant-based food system to combat food insecurity and the climate crisis. The Support + Feed Pledge to eat at least one plant-based meal a day for 30 days powered by Wicked Kitchen™ launched at the Billie Eilish 2022 eco-friendly global tour. The Pledge will be introduced during the tour in more than 50 cities around the US, the UK, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
YOU’RE AWESOME for taking the pledge. Wicked Kitchen™ is proud to partner with Support + Feed to achieve our goal of making it easier for people around the world to enjoy plant-based meals. Eating just one plant-based meal a day will do yourself, the animals, and the planet a whole world of good!